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Our Online Store

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Our Online Store

Ori-Deli's Online Store has been discontinued


As of June 2016, we have discontinued our online ordering and payment service. It was more difficult and expensive than our little shop could handle. You can still browse our products online and even put it into a shopping cart, but in order to purchase what's in your cart, you'll need to call our store to order and give your credit card information over the phone.

Thank you for your understanding. 


* We're available anytime during our business hours to discuss your order.

We are a small brick-and-mortar store, so feel free to call anytime during our business hours to ask questions about an order you've created, or even before you order! 


Feel free to send questions or comments about our online experience to orideli@sbcglobal.net. Thank you!

The Orideli.com team hibiscus-small.png